How to build app with MobX annotations via webpack using Babel 6

I was searching for hints how to build games based on React. There is nice simple react-game-kit. The kit contains demo where you can as a player discover the kit itself.

Just type:

Then you can open the demo in your browser: http://localhost:3000/


I was trying to build my own game based on code from react-game-kit. I hit one problem that webpack was not able to process MobX annotation @observable in GameStore.

The problem is described in MobX documentation. The annotation @observable is available only in ES7 which is fairly new. In case of Babel 5 or 6 you should use “Stage 0” processing.

Here is how to fix the problem:

The first package “transform-decorators-legacy” allows you to use decorators with Babel 6. The second package allows you to enable plugins in Stage 0 of build by Babel.

Then you need to tell webpack to use the plugin for decorators transform. Add list of plugins to query section of webpack.config.js:

Now you can start the webpack and @observable will be processed.

If you want to learn more about MobX, there is nice tutorial at