Kubeapps missing permission when installing by Helm

Kubeapps allows you to create service catalog in Kubernetes cluster.

You can deploy Kubeapps to the cluster using Helm. Helm is pretty cool and the app should work out of box.

What if you encounter following errors:

Web interface is not accessible:

Tiller proxy is crashing immediatelly after installation:

Web interface displays error after login:

App Repositories also displays error:

The reason for the error might be simple. You’re using Helm 3 to install the application and in that case you must specify following parameter when starting installation:

How to fix the situation? Uninstall Kubeapps and install it again with the parameter:

If the problem still persists, check the definition of clusterrolebinding. It might happen that it’s defined for namespace ‘default’. Change it to ‘kubeapps’:

Change namespaces from default to kubeapps, save it. Reload the web interface. The catalog should start working.