Microsoft Azure IoT Hub MQTT device to device communication is not supported

Microsoft Azure provides IoT Hub. It might sound great because it has support for MQTT. It is very important to mention that Azure IoT Hub has a different way how it operates than Mosquitto which means that architecture of your IoT solution must be different.

Let’s check differences.

Default port:

  • Mosquitto is 1883 which is not secure, it is possible to enable TLS
  • IoT Hub 8883 secured by TLS/SSL (only)

Publishing and subscription of messages:

That’s a huge difference. In the case of Mosquitto you can easily build network of devices which can communicate together and management logic could be injected by Node-RED. In the case of IoT Hub whole interaction is managed by the cloud.

If you still want to play with IoT Hub and MQTT, I recommend article written by Satish Pagare who explains how to use mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub to interact with IoT Hub.