1. July 2018

How to display line numbers in Xed

Xed is the default text editor in Linux Mint with Cinnamon environment. It is fast and simple to use for editing source codes or text documents. The default configuration comes without enabled line numbers. Here is how you can enable line numbers.

Open menu Edit and select Preferences.

Click checkbox Display line numbers.

The change will take place immediately.

Here is the recording of “How to”:


8. March 2017

How to enable line numbers in KWrite

The text editor KWrite has support for line numbers. This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it by few clicks.

From menu Settings select Configure Editor…

Navigate to Appearance. Select Borders tab, click Show line numbers and click OK.

Here you can see KWrite with enabled line numbers:

21. January 2017

How to freeze 1st row and 1st column in LibreOffice Calc 5

I was wondering how to freeze 1st row and 1st column in Calc. The solution is quite simple. Here is how to freeze cells in Calc for Linux.

Select cell B2 (it will serve as reference point), click Window (documentation often refer to View menu, which was not my case), click Freeze.

Done :-)

21. January 2017

How to freeze 1st row and 1st column in Excel

Tables in Microsoft Excel could be really big and it’s easy to loose track about information from the first column or the top row. There is simple way how to lock these two parts on screen.

Select cell B2 (it will serve as reference point), click View, click Freeze Panes.

Select Freeze Panes from drop-down menu.

Done :-)

17. January 2017

How to disable autocorrect in Skype on Windows 10

The default autocorrection in Skype on Windows 10 might be annoying sometimes. The question is how to disable it? It’s little bit hidden.

Click menu Tools and select Options… or press CTRL+,

Select IM settings in left pane, click Show advanced options

Uncheck Auto correct and highlight misspelled words, click Save