13. May 2021

Windows on Lenovo T14 is sluggish after resuming from sleep? Simple solution.

One thing that you might notice on Lenovo T14 with Windows is that sometimes the whole system is sluggish, UI is not responsive. One solution is to reboot the computer and then it works without problem.
The problem occurs more often when you turn on “Night light” feature which changes the color of the whole UI.
The issue seems to be caused by some power management. To workaround, the issue clicks the battery icon and dial-up Power mode to Best Performance.

The Best Performance setting does not apply just to situations when the computer is on battery, it also changes behavior when the computer is connected to a power supply. Best Performance will also enable fans to operate at a higher speed so the computer will be noisier, but it will give you an extra nuget of CPU power.

12. November 2016

Android widget not visible on Lenovo K5 – Solved

I’ve created Android Widget for controlling ESP8266 relay the last week.


The only problem was that the widget was not visible on Lenovo K5.

I was searching for the root cause using method: “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

I grabbed several other repositories with widgets from Github. Widgets from other projects were working.

To keep long story short. Here is the configuration when widget does not appear:


Here is the configuration when widget properly appears:


Can you spot the difference?

It is very simple. Large number of Android devices displays widget just after installation even when using the first configuration. The problem with Lenovo K5 is that it does not register widget just after installation via adb. You need to launch MainActivity and only after that UI subsystem displays the widget.

Original code from Obaro’s repo is without MainActivity. I took inspiration from Udacity’s Android widget. After I’ve added MainActivity and several other small files into the project the widget appeared even on Lenovo K5.

You can find updated version at GitHub/LampWidget. Thanks to Adusak for a hint about MainActivity.

1. November 2013

How to configure Two-Finger Scrolling on Lenovo notebook to behave the same way like Apple MacBook

2016-11-21 Update for Windows 10

Mac users are familiar with Two-Finger Scrolling feature. You can place two fingers on the mouse track pad and you’re able to scroll content on the screen. Since Mac OS X 10.6 Apple changed direction of scrolling to match gestures used on tablets or phones. It’s interesting that for more than decade scrolling was done in opposite direction. When you swiped down then the content was scrolling up. Many users were confused after switch, but it quickly became natural.

Lenovo notebook has also support for multitouch gestures and scrolling by two fingers. The only problem is that default installation, behave the same way like old Mac OS. It’s reversed. When you need to switch between Mac and Lenovo then it’s quite confusing. Fortunately it’s possible to configure it just by few clicks.

Windows 10

Search for Mouse & touchpad settings (press Window and type for word mouse):


Open Mouse & touchpad settings and in section Related Settings click Additional mouse options (bottom of screen).


Open UltraNav tab and click TouchPad Settings


Click Scrolling in Select an item. Click Two-Finger Scrolling in the menu. Check: Enable reverse scrolling direction


Windows 7 and older UltraNav

Search for Mouse configuration (press Window and type word mouse):


Open UltraNav tab and click TouchPad Settings


Click Scrolling in Select an item. Check: Enable reverse scrolling direction


Click OK and Two-Finger Scrolling should behave the same way like Mac OS. :-)