Jenkins Generic Webhook Plugin failed with: Did not find any jobs with GenericTrigger configured

Generic Webhook Plugins allows invoking build of Jenkins job.

First of all, you need to set the token in job configuration.

Go to Build Triggers, check Generic Webhook Triggers.

Jenkins Build Trigger

Set Token e.g. to WEBHOOK-TOKEN.

Invoke curl:

curl http://localhost:8080/generic-webhook-trigger/invoke?token=WEBHOOK-TOKEN

It might happen that job build fails with the message:

"message":"Did not find any jobs with GenericTrigger configured! 
If you are using a token, you need to pass it like ...trigger/invoke?token=TOKENHERE. 
If you are not using a token, you need to authenticate like 
http://user:passsword@jenkins/generic-webhook... "}

To fix the problem make sure that Trigger builds remotely is not checked in job configuration. The token set in this field has priority.

Once the duplicate token is removed the build should be possible to start.